Minnesotans Prepare for Summer Hail Storms

If last year is any indication of what this summer may look like in the way of storms, many Minnesotans are making preparations to handle those storms.

While it can be nearly impossible to avoid roof damage during a hail storm, there are ways it can be minimized. The first is to have any existing damage repaired. If that damage is not repaired, the hail storm can worsen it and cause leaks that may not already be there. If it is time for you to have your roof replaced, you may wish to consider a roofing material that is tougher and will minimize your long-term cost. While this is taking more money out of the pockets of Minnesotans now, they are saving in the long term.

When you do experience a hail storm, there are some steps you can take after the storm to ensure any damage is taken care of as soon as possible. The sooner the damaged areas are secured, the more likely you are to be saving your home from further damage.

The first thing to do after the storm is look around at ground level at objects to see if there is any damage. If you see a cracked windshield or dents on your car or other cars, chances are the roof has been damaged. Both types of damage are rather consistent with one another.

The second thing to do is look around at the foliage near the house. If it looks torn and battered, that is another indication that the roof may have sustained damage.

Third, look at the siding, if there is siding. This is not always a telltale sign that damage has occurred to the roof because the hail would have to come in sideways. Nonetheless, siding damage from that storm indicates that the roof damage could be severe.

Fourth, call your roofing company to have them inspect the roof. This is so any damage can be secured and an estimate created quickly while you are working out the logistics with your insurance company.

This brings about another point in regards to preparation. That is to be sure you have your insurance policy readily available in case you need to call the claims hotline. Also make sure you have a charged camera so you can take photos of any damage that is visible to you.